Surface Water Coalition (SWC) and Idaho Groundwater Appropriators Dispute and Negotiations
Idaho Groundwater Appropriators Meeting
We had an important coalition meeting to discuss the Groundwater Pumping Curtailment Order by the (IDWR) on May 4, 2023 at the Idaho Falls City Council Chambers.
Drought Resiliency: Beneficial Use and Conservation
We had a Special Water Forum on December 8, at the Water Front Event Center, at Snake River Landing in Idaho Falls. This major event, titled “Drought Resiliency: Beneficial Use and Conservation" featured speakers from both sides of the SWC/IGWA issue.
IDWR finds 74,100 acre-foot shortfall in April 2024 Methodology Order; Junior groundwater users could face potential curtailment
Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition Members: Please see the attached Press Release from the Idaho Department of Water Resources. Here are the key points:
Read MoreReport on Governor Little’s Water Summit
Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition Members: Governor Little’s first Water Summit was held in the State Capitol yesterday. It was very well attended by legislators, city leaders, agricultural organizations, and leaders in the water industry. Issues from all across the state were addressed. This article from the Capital Press gives a brief summary and comments…
Read MoreWater Supply Update
Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition Members: This morning was the latest meeting of the Upper Snake River Advisory Committee, which heard reports from the agencies on weather and water forecasts. As we all know, March was wet and very cold. NOAA reported that there was only one day in March that matched “normal”. Every other…
Read MoreLifetime Achievement Award – Louis Thiel
Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition Members: At the Idaho Water Users Convention in Boise last week, Louis Thiel received a very deserved lifetime achievement award. I believe Louis and the New Sweden Irrigation District have been members of the Coalition since its inception. Congratulations Louis! Keith Louis Thiel Our final Lifetime Achievement Award recipient is Lous Thiel.…
Read MoreBear Lake Legislation
East Idaho Legislators: One of the members of the Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition, Bear Lake Watch, is working with Senator Mark Harris and Representatives Josh Wheeler, and Kevin Andrus on a bill to add the Bear Lake to the list of protected lakes in Idaho. While helping to protect Bear Lake, the legislation preserves…
Read MoreLetter of Support for Supplemental Budget for Water Infrastructure
Eastern Idaho Legislators: On behalf of the members of the Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition, which consists of cities, irrigation districts, groundwater districts, canal companies, developers, and businesses throughout Eastern Idaho, we write to support the supplemental budget for the Idaho Water Resources Board, as recommended by Governor Little. The Governor has recommended $150 million…
Read MoreWater Supply Update
Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition Members: Re. Water Supply Update Last Thursday the Upper Snake River Advisory Committee heard reports from various weather, snow, and water agencies, plus Idaho Power. While to many it may appear that the East Idaho drought is over, low streamflow, low reservoirs, and low soil moisture will still have a…
Read MoreAmmon Water Conservation Successes
Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition Members: I received this exciting report from Micah Austin, city administrator for Ammon. In it he shows the excellent progress the city has made towards water conservation. I highlighted the key points of interest. Congratulations to Tracy and the city of Ammon for all their hard work to conserve water. …
Read MoreUnderstanding SWE – Peak Snowpack and Late Season
Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition Members: I want to share an excellent 3 minute video I received from the Friends of the Teton River. In this video Will Stubblefield explains how to interpret charts showing snow water equivalent or SWE. He explains that the peak in SWE shows how much water is stored there, but…
Read MoreEastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition Members:
The Idaho Water Users Association (IWUA) has received authorization from the New York Times to use links to five feature articles dealing with groundwater use and regulation across the United States. A Times reporter has spent a lot of time studying these issues and will be addressing the IWUA Annual Meeting in Boise along with groundwater experts from several states. We highly recommend you read these articles, which include a lot of excellent photography and graphics. The second article includes a discussion of the groundwater impacts of Idaho’s huge dairy industry.
News Articles
2018 Eastern Idaho Water Supply Alternatives Symposium
Speeches and Reports
Past Director’s Meetings Talks – Included Are:
- June 7, 2017 Director's meeting: CITY LAND SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT. Speakers from Nampa & Meridian Irrigation District discuss their dual system.
- Christian Petrich’s talk on IWUA Municipal Curtailment
- Garth Taylor’s talk to Idaho Water Users
- Roger Warner’s talk on the State of Eastern Idaho Water Rights
- Mathew Weaver, Deputy Director of IDWR, spoke about “The New Normal for Water Rights on the Eastern Snake Plain.”
Channel 3 Reporter Comes to EIWRC Executive Board Meeting
A Channel 3 reporter came to the February 4th Executive Board meeting to learn about Recharge in Eastern Idaho. Jeff Raybould represented EIWRC and explained the purpose of recharging the aquifer. The report was seen the next day, February 5th, on Channel 3 News, Channel 8 News, and KID Newsradio 590.

- Executive Committee Meetings rotate quarterly at different Eastern Idaho locations.
- Board Meetings locations are TBA
- Annual Membership Meeting location TBA
- The Legislative Forum location is TBA

Contact the EIWRC
Financial Disclosure
The Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition was formed and registered in 2007 in the State of Idaho as non-profit, tax-exempt corporation. A similar designation under Section 501©(3) of the IRS code is pending. A letter verifying the tax-exempt status of the EIWRC can be obtained by contacting us at: Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition, c/o Keith Esplin, 593 East 5th South, Rexburg, ID 83440. Financial summary information for the Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition is contained in its annual report.