Water Supply Update

Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition Members: This morning was the latest meeting of the Upper Snake River Advisory Committee, which heard reports from the agencies on weather and water forecasts.  As we all know, March was wet and very cold.  NOAA reported that there was only one day in March that matched “normal”.  Every other…

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Lifetime Achievement Award – Louis Thiel

Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition Members: At the Idaho Water Users Convention in Boise last week, Louis Thiel received a very deserved lifetime achievement award. I believe Louis and the New Sweden Irrigation District have been members of the Coalition since its inception. Congratulations Louis! Keith Louis Thiel Our final Lifetime Achievement Award recipient is Lous Thiel.…

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Bear Lake Legislation

East Idaho Legislators: One of the members of the Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition, Bear Lake Watch, is working with Senator Mark Harris and Representatives Josh Wheeler, and Kevin Andrus on a bill to add the Bear Lake to the list of protected lakes in Idaho.  While helping to protect Bear Lake, the legislation preserves…

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Letter of Support for Supplemental Budget for Water Infrastructure

Eastern Idaho Legislators: On behalf of the members of the Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition, which consists of cities, irrigation districts, groundwater districts, canal companies, developers, and businesses throughout Eastern Idaho, we write to support the supplemental budget for the Idaho Water Resources Board, as recommended by Governor Little.  The Governor has recommended $150 million…

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Water Supply Update

Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition Members: Re. Water Supply Update Last Thursday the Upper Snake River Advisory Committee heard reports from various weather, snow, and water agencies, plus Idaho Power.  While to many it may appear that the East Idaho drought is over, low streamflow, low reservoirs, and low soil moisture will still have a…

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Ammon Water Conservation Successes

Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition Members: I received this exciting report from Micah Austin, city administrator for Ammon.  In it he shows the excellent progress the city has made towards water conservation.  I highlighted the key points of interest. Congratulations to Tracy and the city of Ammon for all their hard work to conserve water. …

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Understanding SWE – Peak Snowpack and Late Season

Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition Members: I want to share an excellent 3 minute video I received from the Friends of the Teton River.  In this video Will Stubblefield explains how to interpret charts showing snow water equivalent or SWE.  He explains that the peak in SWE shows how much water is stored there, but…

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2022 Report To Members

Eastern Idaho Water Right Coalition (EIWRC) Members: Report on 2022 Activities The Coalition has had a very busy year with a lot going on in the “water world.”  Here are some highlights of 2022. We… Your Board members have been very active representing you this year.  We appreciate all of your support, which is vital…

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2021 Report To Members

Eastern Idaho Water Right Coalition (EIWRC) Members: Report on 2021 Activities It has been good to gradually return to near normal meetings and see each other again.  The Coalition has made excellent progress on several fronts.  Here are some highlights of 2021. We appreciate all of your support, which is vital to maintaining the position…

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