2023 Report To Members

Eastern Idaho Water Right Coalition Members:

Report on 2023 Activities

Your Coalition had perhaps the busiest year since it was organized, responding to a myriad of issues and decisions from the Idaho of Department Resources.

  • Starting in December 2022, we held a special meeting to educate legislators on the SWC / IGWA Settlement Agreement and why it fell apart.  
  • We worked closely to understand the IDWR Director’s Curtailment Order and change in the Methodology used.  We worked to help members develop a proper response.
  • We held a special meeting in the spring for members and legislators to review the potential impacts of the curtailment order.
    • Subsequently East Idaho Legislators appealed to the Governor for relief.  That resulted in a special Water Summit in Boise and the formation of the ESPA GMA Advisory Committee.
  • We formed an East Idaho Water Think Tank to discuss ideas for the Groundwater Management Plan and ways to deal with the curtailment order.
  • We participated on the IWUA Legislative Committee.
  • We worked with IWUA Director Paul Arrington on an agenda for the annual meeting that would deal with ESPA issues head on.
  • We actively participated in an IWUA Work Group dealing with the Domestic Well Exemption Issue.
  • We revamped and regularly updated the Coalition’s website, www.easternidahowater.org 
  • We participated with IWUA on a Legislative Water College Tour in the Magic Valley, visiting with numerous legislators.
  • We attended and reported on Governor Little’s Water Summit in Boise.
  • We invited new IDWR Director Mat Weaver to speak to our 2023 EIWRC Annual Meeting and answer questions.
  • We monitored meetings of the ESPA GMA Advisory Committee.
  • We funded a technical specialist to attend meetings of the ESPA modeling committee. 

Best Regards,

Keith Esplin                                                                     Roger Warner                                                               Executive Director                                                          President                                                                        Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition                         
