2021 Report To Members

Eastern Idaho Water Right Coalition (EIWRC) Members:
Report on 2021 Activities

It has been good to gradually return to near normal meetings and see each other again.  The Coalition has made excellent progress on several fronts.  Here are some highlights of 2021.

  • Welcomed as a new member the City of Ammon.
  • Prepared a comprehensive 2021 Legislative Water College Tour to educate our Eastern Idaho legislators on water issues.  About 45 people, including numerous local legislators met at Jensen Grove in Blackfoot to learn about water issues, tour the Springfield Fish Hatchery, visit recharge sites, and see modern control equipment.  Thanks to Dr. Rob Van Kirk, from the Henry’s Fork Foundation, the City of Blackfoot, and our board members for helping with the program.
  • Participated in Idaho Water User Association legislative, annual, and water law meetings.
  • Attended and participated on the IDWR Aquifer Modeling Committee meeting where an updated version was released.  Potential impacts on Eastern Idaho water users are being carefully analyzed.  
  • Attended the annual meeting of the Family Farm Alliance on Zoom and reported on their activities dealing with important regional and national water issues.
  • Finalized and approved updates to the Coalition bylaws.
  • Held regular board meetings, to discuss water issues and make sure Eastern Idaho interests are being adequately addressed.
  • Held the Coalition Annual Membership meeting in Idaho Falls with Congressman Simpson addressing his concepts for the Lower Snake River Dams.

We appreciate all of your support, which is vital to maintaining the position we have established of representing Eastern Idaho Water Right needs.  We thank you for your support and ask that you continue to be actively involved with the Coalition and let us know your needs.

 Best Regards,

Keith Esplin  

Executive Director

Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition


Roger Warner
